Black Box Body Cult / Gerald Nestler

06. – 15.04.2017 | INSTANTERNITY. A BLACK BOX BODY CULT | Gerald Nestler und Sylvia Eckermann mit Haim Bodek


Eine performative Kartographie automatisierter Finanzmärkte und algorithmischer Wahrnehmung
Ein Projekt von Gerald Nestler und Sylvia Eckermann mit Haim Bodek.

Fotos zur Lecture-Performance vom 6. April gibts hier:  www.facebook/vorbrenner/INSTANTERNITY

6. April 2017, 20 Uhr
Lecture-Performance von Gerald Nestler und Haim Bodek (Finanzexperte und Whistleblower)
Video: Sylvia Eckermann
Performer: Davide De Lillis, Eva Müller, Sebastian Collado

Im Anschluss: Podiumsdiskussion mit Haim Bodek, Univ.-Prof. Jürgen Huber (Head of Department of Banking and Finance, Universität Innsbruck) und den KünstlerInnen.
Moderation: Magdalena Dreschke, Kuratorin Vorbrenner

Ausstellung: 10. – 15. April, 2017
Freies Theater Innsbruck, schwarzer Raum
Wilhelm-Greil-Straße 23, 6020 Innsbruck

INSTANTERNITY. A BLACK BOX BODY CULT erkundet und kartographiert die automatisierten Finanzmärkte mittels forensischer Expertise und bildender, performativer und digitaler Kunst. Nestler und Eckermann entwerfen mit dem Finanzexperten und Whistleblower Haim Bodek und den Performern eine performative Imagination des Algorithmischen, seiner Relevanz und spezifischen Kultur. Das Projekt übersetzt eine jenseits menschlicher Wahrnehmung prozessierte Gegenwart in sprachliche und körperliche Ausdrucksformen, die dieser „Technologie der Zukunft“ nachspüren, um sie spürbar zu machen.

Der Tanz der Algorithmen löst Prozesse und Aktionen aus, die zunehmend in die Räume des Sozialen und in die Körper eindringen. Ihre Choreographien basieren auf diskreten mathematischen Partituren, deren Wirkmächtigkeit eine neue Sprache der Macht einläuten: sie vermittelt sich weniger über bekannte Figuren der Repräsentation, sondern verwandelt, was sie berührt, in kompetitive Performance. Flüchtige, volatile Schwingungen löschen eingeübte Verhaltensweisen und soziale Konventionen aus und entwerfen ein Regime, das eine ‚conditio posthumana’ ständiger Bewegung, Adaption und Verwertung suggeriert. Risiko definiert sich hier als paradigmatische Voraussetzung für das Agieren im Ungewissen und somit als Teilnahme- bzw. Ausschlusskriterium.

INSTANTERNITY geht der Frage nach, welche Kunst-, Kultur- und Körpertechniken wir entwickeln können, um der abstrakten Komplexität der Finanzmärkte und dem daraus resultierenden Wahrnehmungsvakuum neue Erkenntnispotentiale entgegenzustellen.

INSTANTERNITY. A BLACK BOX BODY CULT wird auf Englisch stattfinden. Das Resultat wird im Anschluss vom 7.4.-15.4.2017 in einer Ausstellung zu sehen sein.


Haim Bodek (USA) is a Managing Principal of Decimus Capital Markets, LLC, a tactical consulting and strategic advisory firm focused on high frequency trading and U.S. equities market structure. Mr. Bodek was formerly a founder and Chief Executive Officer of Trading Machines LLC, an independent high frequency options trading firm. He is an electronic trading executive and algorithmic trading strategist with two decades of experience in the automated trading space. He had worked for Hull Trading and Goldman Sachs before he became Managing Director and Joint Global Head of Electronic Volatility Trading at UBS. Mr. Bodek is known as a whistleblower who brought attention to several questionable practices of high-frequency traders and trading venues. His contributions have influenced the ongoing public policy debate and the rapidly changing landscape for regulatory, enforcement, and litigation issues, and he has actively assisted the SEC in several investigations that resulted in substantial monetary fines and significant changes in practices of certain trading venues, including admissions of inaccurate disclosure. His expertise features prominently in bestselling books such as Dark Pools (Scott Patterson, 2010) or Flash Boys (Michael Lewis, 2014) as well as documentaries like The Wall Street Code (Marije Meerman, 2013).

Sylvia Eckermann (AT) is an artist whose focus are immersive environments that combine virtual and physical spaces with sound, video and sculptural objects. She engages with form, media, and space to artistically reflect on our affective entanglement as (in)dividuals in contemporary socioeconomic circumstances. Eckermann started modifying game engines for artistic expression in the late 1990s and is considered a pioneer of Game Art. Her work has been shown internationally since the early 1990s. She was awarded the Austrian state scholarship for video and media art in 2012 and is the recipient of the inaugural Lifetime Achievement Award New Media of the City of Vienna in 2014.

Gerald Nestler (AT) is an artist and author who explores the “derivative condition” of contemporary social relations and its performative power. He combines theory and postdisciplinary conversation with installation, video, performance, text and sound to explore the paradigmatic models, technologies, processes and narratives of finance and information capitalism. He is working on an “aesthetics of resolution” that produces counter-fictions and -imaginations for “renegade activism.” Nestler graduated from the Academy of fine arts Vienna (1992) and worked as a broker and trader (1994-97) to investigate financial markets as an artist. His work has been shown internationally and has received many grants and awards. His has also published widely, most recently Making of Finance (with Armen Avanessian, MERVE, Berlin, 2015), the Art and Finance special issue of the academic journal Finance and Society (with Suhail Malik, 2016) and in the Technosphere Magazine of the Haus der Kulturen der Welt, Berlin (2017). He holds a PhD from the Centre for Research Architecture, Goldsmith, University of London.

Davide De Lillis (IT\DE) is a choreographer, dancer and performer. He studied contemporary dance and theater in Italy where, among others, he worked with choreographer Alessandra Luberti and director Claudio Collovà. In 2011 he moved to Berlin to continue his artistic research at “K.I.M. Kosmos In Movement”. He founded the performing arts formations 77 Stolen Fish and ¿Che.Ne.So?, whose works have been shown in Europe, USA, India e Vietnam. From 2012 he has worked as an interpreter with artist Tino Seghal in several productions for European festivals and museums. In 2016 he received his Master in Live Art at University of Lincoln (UK). He teaches Yoga, collaborative creations, improvisation and movement. He co-directs the C.A.L.A. Festival in Cori (IT).,,

Eva Müller (AT) is a contemporary dancer based in Innsbruck. She studied dance at SEAD (Salzburg Experimental Academy of Dance) and London Contemporary Dance School, University of Kent, UK (BA/Honorous) and has been working internationally as a dancer, performer, choreographer, researcher and dance teacher, e.g. for the Company Homunculus (Vienna), the Company Genau (London), REAson d`etre, (Toronto) and Nancy Stark Smith’s Research Group for ContactImprovisation. In 2000, she founded the Clown Fish Syndrome Dance Company, a collaborative platform for artists from various fields such as dance, film, music, design and architecture. Eva held scholarships from Impuls Tanz, Land Tirol, and ÖTC and was a resident artist at the Center for Choreography, Bleiburg where she create a solo inspired by Günter Domenig’s Steinhaus. Her latest stage works include the performance I’m still here (with Roberto Gaglliano and Ekehardt Rainalter) and choreographies for concerts of the Tiroler Kammerorchester InnStrumenti. Eva is a founding member of OFFTANZTIROL.

Sebastián Collado (CL/AT) studied dance and theater at the University of Chile and Modern School of Music in Chile and Argentina. As dancer, he has performed in Chile, Argentina, Brazil, Germany, Italy, Austria and Norway. Since four years Sebastián teaches dance, dance-theater and performance between Austria, Italy and Germany. At the moment he lives and works in Berlin in socially engaged art projects. Also, Sebastián has recently finished his Master’s degree in „Gender Studies, Culture and Social Change“ at the Leopold-Franzen-University of Innsbruck.

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